Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Digital Fluency Intensive Session 8 Computational Thinking

Today Dorothy talked to us about the final piece of the Manaiakalani puzzle. How can we empower our learners, and how can I feel empowered as a teacher. This DFI course has definitely made me feel empowered and I enjoy going back to work the next day and sharing this knowledge with my team/school colleagues. 

Our explore today was around trying a few different coding platforms.
  • Minecraft is awesome - I know some of the children in my class use this regularly and we are having it placed on the ipads in the next coming weeks - so I look forward to giving this a go with them, I did manage to have a play and code today - which was lots of fun!
  • Scratch is also great - love this resource and so do all the children. When I was living in London, the school I taught at had timetable time for coding, and I learnt and had to teach using Scratch - so today felt comfortable trying another coding platform.
  • CodeCombat tested my coding skills, I died a lot in the game! But did manage to code collecting gems, moving the player, and also changing the code of the background terrain.

Our create task today was creating something around coding. Vicki lead my group in coding (gamefroot.com) your Mihi - it was a great platform for children, and I could see a huge benefit in the children using this. At the moment the children in my school are writing their Mihi or Pepeha, this could definitely be a task we can use with the children who have finished writing theirs.

Here is my Mihi, and a couple of screenshots below to show you what it all looks it.


  1. Hi Olivia, another full on day of learning and creating. Great you had a go at a few coding activities. Your pepeha create activity looks great. Will you be implementing the mihi maker in your hub?

    Thank you for all your wonderful input in our bubble. It has been a great journey of learning for us all working in our bubble. All the best for the exam. Arohanui - Amy

  2. Thanks Amy - I have really enjoyed being part of your bubble. Thank you for all your advice and encouragement. Have a great Easter. I will definitely be sharing the Mihi Maker with my team to see their thoughts about it.

  3. I have enjoyed following your blog Olivia and seeing the strengths you have brought to this DFI and the new ideas you have been introduced to as well. I was interested about coding being a timetabled 'event' in the UK. Do you think it should be in NZ as well?

    1. Thank you Dorothy. I am going to miss my Wednesdays at home, learning and enjoying having time to try new things. In NZ we use devices a lot more than the primary schools in the UK. They are just beginning to use devices and they see value in teaching the children about coding. I don't think we should have it timetabled, but we should definitely be exposing the children in NZ to more coding opportunities.
